Successful meadow planting is an art and a science and Larry Weaner and LWLA have certainly mastered it. I'm super lucky to live just a property over from one of their meadows. Here are some late summer views. There has been a succession of blooms since spring, and a dense healthy layer of multiple species gives promise for the future. It’s even free of stiltgrass (a local challenge!). Despite being an overcast morning, it was alive with pollinators. I definitely have a case of meadow envy!

Learn more about planting meadows in Garden Revolution: How Our Landscapes Can Be a Source of Environmental Change that Weaner co-authored with Thomas Christopher. The meadows shown on pages 10.3 and 11.17 in Nature’s Action Guide are LWLA designs. Meadows require careful planning, site analysis, land preparation, and plant selection along with timed mowing and removal of invasive plants. With all of these in place and some elbow grease, we could all create more meadows!